
Arthur Cam.

Arthur Cam

A live stream camera and laser diode controled independetly by 2 sets of servos, allowing pan and tilt of the camera, and using the laser diode like a laser pointer. The hardware is controlled by a Rasberry pi's GPIO pins along with a camera module. A websocket api server is ran on the device and is Port Forwarded to be accessed on this website. To access the app to play with my cat anywhere in the world, you will need to be authenticated at this endpoint (link coming soon).

Learnings: Websockets, streaming, port forwarding

Technology: Raspberry pi, Python, Websockets, Svelte, Vercel



A motorized Bluetooth controlled mini cooler. Original inspiration was to make it autonomous with GPS, taking inspiration from the project linked below. When developing it, it became difficult to test and control, since GPS signal was inconsistent and did not have the level of percesion desired. I thought it would be fun to just be able to control it from your phone. So I pivoted to use a BLE module to revceive control commands.

Learnings: C, soldering, UART, microcontrollers

Technology: Arduino, Flutter

link to project inspiration

Be Grateful and Tip.

Be Grateful and Tip

I was in the service industry for years, and always tip, but the fact that everywhere now is asking to tip is ridiculous. After been shown some videos on tikTok from my girlfriend, I thought it would be funny to make a mock point of sale (POS) app for here that would ultimately be a tip screen. After selecting an appropriate tip amount, (anything under 35% says your card is declined), what she ordered or input on the screen prior is sent as a SMS to my phone.

Learnings: I can make a basic Mobile app quickly using Flutter

Technology: Flutter

Budget Calendar.

Budget Calendar

I really enjoyed using an older program for doing my personal finances (insert link here). I wanted to get it on my phone, modernize it a bit, and add some features like account tracking.

Learnings: The Bloc Pattern

Technology: Flutter

link to project inspiration

VR Volleyball.

VR Volleyball

A few of my friend's got into sand volleyball towards the end of 2021. We decided to attempt making a VR volleyball game as a result. The game included animated hands, a ingame interactive jukebox, online multiplayer with voice chat, a bar to sit at and crush Miller Lites, a basketball shooting arcade game, and a training facility for ai opponents. Movement was controller based and caused some to get the classic VR sickness.

Learnings: Not everyone likes VR. VR can be a bit cumbersome to test.

Technology: Unity, C#, Photon

link to project inspiration

Canvas Golf Game.

Canvas Golf Game

Bored one night and wanting to play Mario Golf, a friend and myself decided to make a golf game in javascript using canvas. First it was just to get a ball to come on screen and a hole. Next was a power bar and animation for it. Then it was to move the ball based on the value of power. Then aiming, going into the whole, generating new locations, displaying score, etc. The core of the game was completed in roughly 14 hours. Touched up a bit with sand traps, water hazards, and some bug fixes over the course of another week. The game has since been modified a bit and can be played on this site (link coming soon).

Learnings: The power and speed of small iterations.

Technology: Javascript, Canvas